Monty's Gaming and Wireless Outlook - Issue 215
A report this week from the venerable London School of Economics has told us what a lot of us have known for years - that the human species is likely to 'split in two' over the coming millennia.
According to the report by evolutionist theorist Oliver Curry (change your name, mate, you sound like a posh Indian porn star) a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass will naturally emerge from our selection processes.
Furthermore, our reliance on gadgets means we will begin to resemble the pets that we currently domesticate. Well, well, well, tell us something we don't already know - the mobile phone already has made us the laziest b*stards to ever walk the planet... And some are lazier than others.
ALLEGEDLY, earlier this year Paris Hilton was due to release a text service where she would send two texts a weeks to (the tens of fans) likely to subscribe to the service. Unfortunately, this noble enterprise was nipped firmly in the handset when her people ALLEGEDLY said 'texting was a bit too much for her'. Say. No. More.
Others, however, are much more dynamic and the odd hat off to operator O2 who did something good this week. Instead of offering more content and whizz-bang-whatever, they announced they were cutting down on the extortionate prices charged for incoming calls when their customers are in different European countries.
And about time, too. Charging for such calls is scandalous and pisses me off more than wheelie-bags and cyclists riding on the pavement. Hopefully, other operators will do the same and extend the service to the US.
My bill last month after spending a week in California was £400 and made me feel like a dim-witted underclass sub-species for putting up with it. So, over to the operators. Act like the genetic upper class you profess to be and evolve your businesses decently. Your future depends on it.
I thought 02 was bankruped, well here in holland they where taken over by Telfort
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